Aaron Merey
Aaron Merey is a Software Engineer at Red Hat where he is a member of the Platform Tools team.
Aaron Merey's contributions
Debuginfod project update 2024
Aaron Merey
Get an overview of notable updates and enhancements to debuginfod, a tool for distributing debugging resources such as executables, debug information, and source files.
How lazy debuginfo loading improves GDB and Valgrind
Aaron Merey
This article demonstrates how lazy debuginfo loading improves GDB and Valgrind debugging performance.
Debuginfod project update: New clients and metrics
Aaron Merey
Find out what's new in debuginfod, the elfutils debuginfo server, then get started using debuginfod's new server metrics with Prometheus and Grafana.
Introducing debuginfod, the elfutils debuginfo server
Aaron Merey
Because bugs are inevitable, developers need quick and easy access to the artifacts that debugging tools like Systemtap and GDB depend on, which are typically DWARF (Debugging With Attributed Record Formats) debuginfo or source files. Accessing these resources should not be an issue when debugging your own local build tree, but all too often they are not readily available. For example, your distro might package debuginfo and source files separately from the executable you're trying to debug and you may...
SystemTap's BPF Backend Introduces Tracepoint Support
Aaron Merey
This blog is the third in a series on stapbpf, SystemTap's BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) backend. In this post, I introduce stapbpf's recently added support for tracepoint probes. Tracepoints are statically-inserted hooks in the Linux kernel onto which user-defined probes can be attached.
What are BPF Maps and how are they used in stapbpf
Aaron Merey
Compared to SystemTap's default backend, one of stapbpf's most distinguishing features is the absence of a kernel module runtime. The BPF machinery inside the kernel instead mostly handles its runtime. Therefore it would be very helpful if BPF provided us with a way for states to be maintained across multiple invocations of BPF programs and for userspace programs to be able to communicate with BPF programs. This is accomplished by BPF maps. In this blog post, I will introduce BPF...
Introducing stapbpf - SystemTap's new BPF backend
Aaron Merey
SystemTap 3.2 includes an early prototype of SystemTap's new BPF backend (stapbpf). It represents a first step towards leveraging powerful new tracing and performance analysis capabilities recently added to the Linux kernel. In this post, I will compare the translation process of stapbpf with the default backend (stap) and compare some differences in functionality between these two backends. Stap and stapbpf share common parsing and semantic analysis stages. As input for translation, both backends receive data structures representing a parse...

Debuginfod project update 2024
Get an overview of notable updates and enhancements to debuginfod, a tool for distributing debugging resources such as executables, debug information, and source files.

How lazy debuginfo loading improves GDB and Valgrind
This article demonstrates how lazy debuginfo loading improves GDB and Valgrind debugging performance.

Debuginfod project update: New clients and metrics
Find out what's new in debuginfod, the elfutils debuginfo server, then get started using debuginfod's new server metrics with Prometheus and Grafana.

Introducing debuginfod, the elfutils debuginfo server

SystemTap's BPF Backend Introduces Tracepoint Support
This blog is the third in a series on stapbpf, SystemTap's BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) backend. In this post, I introduce stapbpf's recently added support for tracepoint probes. Tracepoints are statically-inserted hooks in the Linux kernel onto which user-defined probes can be attached.

What are BPF Maps and how are they used in stapbpf

Introducing stapbpf - SystemTap's new BPF backend