Alexandros Alykiotis
Software Engineer working at Red Hat. Before joining Red Hat, I was a university student at the University of Piraeus studying computer science and machine learning. More recently, I focused my efforts on tools that help with deploying node.js applications to Openshift and Kubernetes.
Alexandros Alykiotis's contributions
Building reactive systems with Node.js
Alexandros Alykiotis
Find out why reactive systems are especially easy to implement with Node.js, then walk through a reactive system built with Node.js and Apache Kafka.
Monitor Node.js applications on Red Hat OpenShift with Prometheus
Alexandros Alykiotis
Create a simple containerized Node.js application and monitor instrumentation metrics with Prometheus—now fully integrated with Red Hat OpenShift 4.6.
Get started with Node.js 14 on Red Hat OpenShift
Alexandros Alykiotis
Learn two ways to quickly deploy Node.js 14 on Red Hat OpenShift, and get started using new JavaScript language features in the V8 8.1 JavaScript engine.

Building reactive systems with Node.js
Alexandros Alykiotis
Find out why reactive systems are especially easy to implement with Node.js, then walk through a reactive system built with Node.js and Apache Kafka.

Monitor Node.js applications on Red Hat OpenShift with Prometheus
Alexandros Alykiotis
Create a simple containerized Node.js application and monitor instrumentation metrics with Prometheus—now fully integrated with Red Hat OpenShift 4.6.

Get started with Node.js 14 on Red Hat OpenShift
Alexandros Alykiotis
Learn two ways to quickly deploy Node.js 14 on Red Hat OpenShift, and get started using new JavaScript language features in the V8 8.1 JavaScript engine.