Ben Woodard

Ben Woodard is a Consulting Engineer whose worked on kernel and tools issues associated with HPC for the national labs for the past fifteen or so years.

Ben Woodard's contributions

Red Hat Developer

Algorithms != Programs and Programs are not "One size fits all"

William Cohen +1

Big-O analysis doesn't always yield the best real world performance. There is likely a mismatch between the mental model taught in school and actual hardware. Part 1 of a series on understanding performance in modern computing.

Red Hat Developer logo

Programmatic Debugging: Part 1 the challenge

Ben Woodard

As every developer knows, debugging an application can be difficult and often enough you spend as much or more time debugging an application as originally writing it. Every programmer develops their collection of tools and techniques. Traditionally these have included full-fledged debuggers, instrumentation of the code, and tracing and logging. Each of these has their particular strengths and weaknesses. Source-level debuggers Source-level debuggers like GDB, TotalView, and DDT operate outside of the address space of the programs being debugged and...