Bohuslav Kabrda
Bohuslav Kabrda's contributions
How to add packages to Python 2.7 Software Collection
Bohuslav Kabrda
As Software Collections are getting popular, there are more and more people asking how they can build their own collections and/or extend collections in RHSCL. In this article, I will demonstrate how to extend python27 collection from RHSCL 1.2, adding a simple Python extension library. (Note that the same steps can be applied to the python33 collection.) I'm going to work on a RHEL 6 machine throughout this whole tutorial. I'm assuming that readers have basic knowledge of RPM building...
Building Software Collections on top of RHSCL Part 1
Bohuslav Kabrda
As Software Collections are getting popular, there are more and more people asking how they can build their own collections and/or extend collections in RHSCL. In this article, I will demonstrate how to extend python27 collection from RHSCL 1.1 (Beta), adding a simple Python extension library. I'm going to work on a RHEL 6 machine throughout this whole tutorial. I'm assuming that readers have basic knowledge of RPM building and Software Collections concept. General Notes This tutorial uses a technique...
DevNation Forecast - Cloudy with a Chance of Software Collections
Bohuslav Kabrda
I just can't wait for DevNation, can you? I mean, conferences that bring together such a great amount of great people talking about great projects are just great! I think we all know the two big topics of present: clouds and containerization. But the DevNation schedule shows that much more is going on. Personally, I can't wait to see "Eleven Ceylon Idioms" by Gavin King. I've kept my eye on Ceylon language from its beginning and I think it really...
Using Python's Virtualenv with RHSCL
Bohuslav Kabrda
I've been getting more and more questions about using Python's virtualenv with python27 and python33 collections from RHSCL, so I decided to write a very short tutorial about this topic. The "tl;dr" version is: everything works perfectly fine as long as you remember to enable the collection first. Update 2018: An updated article has been published, See How to install Python 3, pip, venv, virtualenv, and pipenv on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. What is Virtualenv Citing Virtualenv official documentation: "virtualenv...
Migrate to Python 3 with RHSCL
Bohuslav Kabrda
Although most of Python enterprise applications still use Python 2 (e.g. Python 2.4 on RHEL 5 or Python 2.6 on RHEL 6), Python 3 has already become a mature variant and is worth considering. Why, you ask? Python 3 series is being actively developed by upstream, while Python 2 now only gets security fixes and bug fixes. Python 2.7 is the latest minor release of the 2.X series and there will be no Python 2.8. This is very important since...
Using RHSCL: Django on Python 3 with PostgreSQL
Bohuslav Kabrda
This article will show you how to use two software collections of RHSCL 1.0 Beta for cutting edge development. We will create a Django 1.5 application (running on Python 3.3), that will use PostgreSQL 9.2 as a database. Installing Dependencies First off, we will install the required collections. If you haven't done so already, you need to subscribe to the correct RHN channel ( rhel-x86_64- variant-6-rhscl-1-beta, where variant is one of server, client or workstation). Now you should be able...
Unleashing Power of WebSockets on RHEL 6
Bohuslav Kabrda
WebSockets are a rising technology that solves one of the great needs of web development - full duplex communication between a browser (or a different client) and a server. Let's imagine a simple scenario - live web chat. In the past, you'd probably use AJAX and polling to make new posts appear in realtime. The downside is that implementing all that is not entirely easy and it tends to put a lot of strain on the server. This article will...
Ruby on Rails 3.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 with Software Collections
Bohuslav Kabrda
While Red Hat Enterprise Linux is known for its stability and flexibility, you might not think of it first when looking for the latest version of your web application framework. If you're a developer working with Ruby and Ruby on Rails, you probably want to take advantage of their new features. Sure, you can use RVM, but sometimes you just want to get supported system packages. Software Collections (often abbreviated as SCL) allows you to run more recent versions of...

How to add packages to Python 2.7 Software Collection
Bohuslav Kabrda
As Software Collections are getting popular, there are more and more people asking how they can build their own collections and/or extend collections in RHSCL. In this article, I will demonstrate how to extend python27 collection from RHSCL 1.2, adding a simple Python extension library. (Note that the same steps can be applied to the python33 collection.) I'm going to work on a RHEL 6 machine throughout this whole tutorial. I'm assuming that readers have basic knowledge of RPM building...

Building Software Collections on top of RHSCL Part 1
Bohuslav Kabrda
As Software Collections are getting popular, there are more and more people asking how they can build their own collections and/or extend collections in RHSCL. In this article, I will demonstrate how to extend python27 collection from RHSCL 1.1 (Beta), adding a simple Python extension library. I'm going to work on a RHEL 6 machine throughout this whole tutorial. I'm assuming that readers have basic knowledge of RPM building and Software Collections concept. General Notes This tutorial uses a technique...

DevNation Forecast - Cloudy with a Chance of Software Collections
Bohuslav Kabrda
I just can't wait for DevNation, can you? I mean, conferences that bring together such a great amount of great people talking about great projects are just great! I think we all know the two big topics of present: clouds and containerization. But the DevNation schedule shows that much more is going on. Personally, I can't wait to see "Eleven Ceylon Idioms" by Gavin King. I've kept my eye on Ceylon language from its beginning and I think it really...

Using Python's Virtualenv with RHSCL
Bohuslav Kabrda
I've been getting more and more questions about using Python's virtualenv with python27 and python33 collections from RHSCL, so I decided to write a very short tutorial about this topic. The "tl;dr" version is: everything works perfectly fine as long as you remember to enable the collection first. Update 2018: An updated article has been published, See How to install Python 3, pip, venv, virtualenv, and pipenv on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. What is Virtualenv Citing Virtualenv official documentation: "virtualenv...

Migrate to Python 3 with RHSCL
Bohuslav Kabrda
Although most of Python enterprise applications still use Python 2 (e.g. Python 2.4 on RHEL 5 or Python 2.6 on RHEL 6), Python 3 has already become a mature variant and is worth considering. Why, you ask? Python 3 series is being actively developed by upstream, while Python 2 now only gets security fixes and bug fixes. Python 2.7 is the latest minor release of the 2.X series and there will be no Python 2.8. This is very important since...

Using RHSCL: Django on Python 3 with PostgreSQL
Bohuslav Kabrda
This article will show you how to use two software collections of RHSCL 1.0 Beta for cutting edge development. We will create a Django 1.5 application (running on Python 3.3), that will use PostgreSQL 9.2 as a database. Installing Dependencies First off, we will install the required collections. If you haven't done so already, you need to subscribe to the correct RHN channel ( rhel-x86_64- variant-6-rhscl-1-beta, where variant is one of server, client or workstation). Now you should be able...

Unleashing Power of WebSockets on RHEL 6
Bohuslav Kabrda
WebSockets are a rising technology that solves one of the great needs of web development - full duplex communication between a browser (or a different client) and a server. Let's imagine a simple scenario - live web chat. In the past, you'd probably use AJAX and polling to make new posts appear in realtime. The downside is that implementing all that is not entirely easy and it tends to put a lot of strain on the server. This article will...

Ruby on Rails 3.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 with Software Collections
Bohuslav Kabrda
While Red Hat Enterprise Linux is known for its stability and flexibility, you might not think of it first when looking for the latest version of your web application framework. If you're a developer working with Ruby and Ruby on Rails, you probably want to take advantage of their new features. Sure, you can use RVM, but sometimes you just want to get supported system packages. Software Collections (often abbreviated as SCL) allows you to run more recent versions of...