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Digital Evangelist

Don Schenck

Polyglot with a focus on OpenShift. Speaker and author (books, blogs, cheat sheets). Microsoft MVP.

Don Schenck's contributions

How To Thumbnail
How To

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using C#

Don Schenck

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using C#.After reading the previous blog post in this series, "Containers, kubernetes, microservices: Start here", you're now ready to build your first "Hello World" application and run it in a container. For this, we'll be using C#.

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How To

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Python

Don Schenck

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Python.After reading the previous blog post in this series, "Containers, kubernetes, microservices: Start here", you're now ready to build your first "Hello World" application and run it in a container. For this, we'll be using Python.

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How To

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Node.js

Don Schenck

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Node.js.After reading the previous blog post in this series, "Containers, kubernetes, microservices: Start here", you're now ready to build your first "Hello World" application and run it in a container. For this, we'll be using Node.js.

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How To

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Ruby

Don Schenck

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Ruby.After reading the previous blog post in this series, "Containers, kubernetes, microservices: Start here", you're now ready to build your first "Hello World" application and run it in a container. For this, we'll be using Ruby with Sinatra.

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How To

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Go

Don Schenck

Build Your "Hello World" Container Using Go.After reading the previous blog post in this series, "Containers, kubernetes, microservices: Start here", you're now ready to build your first "Hello World" application and run it in a container. For this, we'll be using Go.