Durgesh Anaokar
I am a Senior Software Maintenance Engineer in Red Hat India. Mainly working over middle ware products such as JBoss, Datagrid etc.
Durgesh Anaokar's contributions
Develop and test a Quarkus client on Red Hat CodeReady Containers with Red Hat Data Grid 8.0
Durgesh Anaokar
Learn how to set up a local environment to develop and test the Quarkus Infinispan client with Red Hat Data Grid 8.0 on CodeReady Containers.
Using Byteman to Find Out Why the TimeZone Changed on a Java App Server
Durgesh Anaokar
Using Byteman to Find Out Why the TimeZone Changed on a Java App Server. This article is about a real problem I faced where the timezone on a Java application server (in my case it was JBoss) changed unexpectedly during the run time of the server.

Develop and test a Quarkus client on Red Hat CodeReady Containers with Red Hat Data Grid 8.0
Durgesh Anaokar
Learn how to set up a local environment to develop and test the Quarkus Infinispan client with Red Hat Data Grid 8.0 on CodeReady Containers.

Using Byteman to Find Out Why the TimeZone Changed on a Java App Server
Durgesh Anaokar
Using Byteman to Find Out Why the TimeZone Changed on a Java App Server. This article is about a real problem I faced where the timezone on a Java application server (in my case it was JBoss) changed unexpectedly during the run time of the server.