Faisal Masood

Developer. Build platforms and help customer write better code.

Faisal Masood's contributions

Red Hat AMQ image

Asynchronous communication between microservices using AMQP and Vert.x

Faisal Masood

This article shows how to use Apache QPid Proton (or Red Hat AMQ Interconnect) as a message router, the Vert.x AMQP bridge, and the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) for asynchronous request-reply communication between two microservices. Since AMQP is a wire-level protocol, services written in other stacks (like .NET) can also use the same communication channel.

Red Hat Developer

Natively compile Java code for better startup time

Faisal Masood

Serverless architectures can benefit from faster startup times. The configuration demonstrated in this article shows how GraalVM can reduce startup time and Docker image size for Java-based programs hosted on container platforms such as Red Hat OpenShift Containter Platform.