Sr Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Hugo Guerrero
Hugo Guerrero works as a developer advocate at Red Hat. He has spent more than two decades working in software development. During that time, he has held various roles, including developer, consultant, architect, and software development factory manager. He is a passionate advocate for a new way of building applications called AsyncAPI, and he volunteers his time to help spread the word about this technology. He also contributes to open source projects. He is responsible for maintaining the Microcks Docker Desktop Extension.
Hugo Guerrero's contributions
3scale API Management Simplifies OpenID Connect Integration
Hugo Guerrero
Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform simplifies the integration between its APIcast gateway and Red Hat Single Sign On through OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Demonstrating Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7 HA Replication Failover
Hugo Guerrero
A few weeks ago, the newest version of Red Hat JBoss AMQ was released. AMQ 7 is the result of Red Hat’s efforts on creating a unified messaging platform for its middleware offerings. One of the most interesting features of this new version is the new backing strategy for failovering when configured in high availability. This feature allows clients connections to migrate from one server to another in the event of server failure so client applications can continue to operate...
Implementing a Log Collector using Red Hat JBoss Fuse and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid
Hugo Guerrero
Most of the time, when we think about collecting, parsing and storing Logs, the first thing that pops in our mind is the ElasticStack or ELK. It is well positioned in developer and sysadmin's minds. The stack combines the popular Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana projects together to easy the collection/aggregation, store, and visualization of application logs. As an Apache Camel rider and Infinispan enthusiast, I prepared this exercise to produce my own log collector and store stack using Red Hat's...
HOW-TO setup a 3scale AMP on-premise all-in-one install
Hugo Guerrero
As many of you already know, a couple of weeks ago, on April 25, 2017, Red Hat announced it's fully containerized API Management Platform On-Premises version. Alongside the Software as a Service (SaaS) version, the 3Scale Openshift-based on-premise version opens new opportunities with customers looking for more control over their private APIs. Deploying API Management in their own data center or self-managed cloud environment is part of a critical path. One of the most common requests from developers and architects...
API versioning methods: A brief reference
Hugo Guerrero
This article provides a comprehensive list of the methodologies used for versioning your API.
2016 API predictions
Hugo Guerrero
Here are our 2016 predictions for APIs -- what does the year hold in terms of API growth areas, security, automation, IoT, and more?
Rails + jspm >= ECMAScript 6 awesomeness
Hugo Guerrero
From the buzz on Twitter and blog posts, you could feel that ECMAScript 6 was finally coming. It has many things we’ve wanted for years, so it makes sense to start new projects with it in mind. ECMAScript 6 Others have written in depth about various ECMAScript 6 features. I’d like to focus just on one: module loading. There is no common way to load your ES6 modules natively in the browsers. For example babel, has support for three different...
How to load test and tune performance on your API
Hugo Guerrero
This article describes how to successfully run a load test on your API, while introducing and discussing some tools used in the process.
3scale API Management Simplifies OpenID Connect Integration
Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform simplifies the integration between its APIcast gateway and Red Hat Single Sign On through OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Demonstrating Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7 HA Replication Failover
Implementing a Log Collector using Red Hat JBoss Fuse and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid
HOW-TO setup a 3scale AMP on-premise all-in-one install
API versioning methods: A brief reference
This article provides a comprehensive list of the methodologies used for versioning your API.
2016 API predictions
Here are our 2016 predictions for APIs -- what does the year hold in terms of API growth areas, security, automation, IoT, and more?
Rails + jspm >= ECMAScript 6 awesomeness
How to load test and tune performance on your API
This article describes how to successfully run a load test on your API, while introducing and discussing some tools used in the process.