James Falkner

James Falkner's contributions

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Announcing: Thorntail 2.2 General Availability

James Falkner

Thorntail is the new name for WildFly Swarm, and bundles everything you need to develop and run Thorntail and MicroProfile applications by packaging server runtime libraries with your application code and running it with java -jar.


Deploying MicroProfile apps on Microsoft Azure using the Azure Open Service Broker

James Falkner

This post shows how easy it is to link Java MicroProfile apps to Microsoft Azure services through the Open Service Broker for Azure. To do that, it describes the steps for reproducing a demo application, based on the popular game Minesweeper, that was presented at the recently concluded Microsoft Ignite 2018 conference in Orlando.

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Bringing Coolstore Microservices to the Service Mesh: Part 2--Manual Injection

James Falkner

In this post, we will deploy the existing Coolstore microservices demo as a service mesh and start to demonstrate the tangible value you can get out of the system without any major rewrite or rearchitecture of the existing app. We'll also improve our project along the way to adhere to Istio best practices.

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Bringing Coolstore Microservices to the Service Mesh: Part 1 - Exploring Auto-injection

James Falkner

distributed architectures introduce more complexity, services meshes can help soften the landing and shift some of that complexity out of our applications and place it where it belongs, in the application operational layer: Bringing Coolstore Microservices to the Service Mesh: Part 1 - Exploring auto-injection

Skinny on Fat

The Skinny on Fat, Thin, Hollow, and Uber

James Falkner

"I used WildFly Swarm to shrink my app from 45 megabytes to only 2243 bytes ." I was recently playing around with various techniques for packaging Java microservices and running on OpenShift using various runtimes and frameworks to illustrate their differences (WildFly Swarm vs. WildFly, Spring Boot vs. the world, etc). Around the same time as I was doing this an internal email list thread ignited discussing some of the differences and using terms like Uber JARs, Thin WARs, Skinny...

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Microservices: Comparing DIY with Apache Camel

James Falkner

Microservices are currently enjoying immense popularity . It is rare to find a tech conference without at least a few mentions of them in corridor conversations or titles of talks, and for good reason: microservices can provide a path to better, more maintainable, higher quality software delivered faster. What's not to love? Of course there are the "negatives" and details in the implementation of microservices that can trip up even the most seasoned architect-developer, but at the same time we...

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Using Jenkins in the Red Hat CI/CD Ecosystem

James Falkner

The last 4-5 years have seen the debut of many new software products specifically targeting both infrastructure services and IT automation. The consumerization of IT has caused its architects to take a fresh look at their existing, often times monolithic apps and IT infrastructure and asking: Can we do better? How do I keep IT relevant? How do I keep track of all these VMs and data? How do I scale out my IT environment without a huge budget increase...