Lucas Holmquist Profile pic

Sr. Software Engineer

Lucas Holmquist

Lucas is a Sr. Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is focused on the Node.js developer experience on Openshift as part of the Nodeshift Project.

While he is not a Node.js expert, He does pretend to be one at work.

Lucas Holmquist's contributions

Content for Node.js developers at NearForm event

Best of NodeConf Remote: The 30-second review

Lucas Holmquist +2

Get the NodeConf Remote 2021 highlights, including the Node-RAPIDS machine learning framework, cloud-native Node.js development on Kubernetes, and more.

Featured image for Node.js with Opossum.

Node.js circuit breakers for serverless functions

Lucas Holmquist

Use circuit breakers in Node.js apps to reduce external service failures. This tutorial helps you create apps that find other ways to fulfill service requests.

An introduction to JavaScript SDK for CloudEvents

An introduction to JavaScript SDK for CloudEvents

Lucas Holmquist

Get started with the JavaScript SKD for CloudEvents, a specification for describing event data for interoperability across services, platforms, and systems.