Lukas Berk
Lukas Berk's contributions
Probing Java Methods With Systemtap Part 2
Lukas Berk
In Part 1 of Probe Java Methods with Systemtap, we took a look at the basics of pinpoint java probing. Today we're going to take a look at a more involved example with a tool called Thermostat and components from RHSCL 1.1. Thermostat Example Note: This example requires further OSGi class loading work, please refer to the OSGi section in the tutorial. Thermostat is an Open Source Java Tooling project aimed to improve monitoring and instrumentation tooling. More information about...
Probing Java Methods with SystemTap
Lukas Berk
Today we'll be looking at systemtap's latest native java probing capabilities. These go beyond systemtap's existing hotspot-based probe points to actual entry, exit, and line number specific to the relevant java method. This allows for pinpoint probing of a java application, without the need to place probes on the underlying JVM itself. How to install (if running RHEL 7 Beta) # yum install systemtap systemtap-runtime-java Basic Usage How do I use systemtap to probe a java method? Below we have...

Probing Java Methods With Systemtap Part 2
Lukas Berk
In Part 1 of Probe Java Methods with Systemtap, we took a look at the basics of pinpoint java probing. Today we're going to take a look at a more involved example with a tool called Thermostat and components from RHSCL 1.1. Thermostat Example Note: This example requires further OSGi class loading work, please refer to the OSGi section in the tutorial. Thermostat is an Open Source Java Tooling project aimed to improve monitoring and instrumentation tooling. More information about...

Probing Java Methods with SystemTap
Lukas Berk
Today we'll be looking at systemtap's latest native java probing capabilities. These go beyond systemtap's existing hotspot-based probe points to actual entry, exit, and line number specific to the relevant java method. This allows for pinpoint probing of a java application, without the need to place probes on the underlying JVM itself. How to install (if running RHEL 7 Beta) # yum install systemtap systemtap-runtime-java Basic Usage How do I use systemtap to probe a java method? Below we have...