Numan Siddique
Numan is a Principle Software Engineer in Red Hat, Bangalore. He works on OVN (part of OpenvSwitch) and OpenStack Neutron. He has also contributed to OpenStack TripleO in integrating OVN services. Before contributing to OVN, he was worked on OpenContrail SDN solution.
Numan Siddique's contributions
How to create an Open Virtual Network distributed gateway router
Numan Siddique
How to create an Open Virtual Network (OVN) distributed gateway router and it's advantages in environments such as OpenStack, OpenShift, and RHV.

How to create an Open Virtual Network distributed gateway router
Numan Siddique
How to create an Open Virtual Network (OVN) distributed gateway router and it's advantages in environments such as OpenStack, OpenShift, and RHV.