Stan Cox
Stan Cox's contributions
Go for C++ developers: A beginner's guide
Stan Cox
This introduction to the Go programming language for C++ developers examines primary differences in development and program-building environments.
Explore new features in SystemTap 4.5.0
Stan Cox
SystemTap allows access to low-level Linux kernel features. Explore enhancements to context variables, alias syntax, and BPF features in version 4.5.0.
Using the SystemTap Dyninst runtime environment
Stan Cox
Use SystemTap (stap), the Dyninst instrumentation framework, and Python to write instrumentation for a live running kernel or a user space application.
Extending gdbserver to support an strace client
Stan Cox
Explore the strace extensions that will let you use gdbserver to trace a program while it is also being debugged by a GDB client.

Go for C++ developers: A beginner's guide
Stan Cox
This introduction to the Go programming language for C++ developers examines primary differences in development and program-building environments.

Explore new features in SystemTap 4.5.0
Stan Cox
SystemTap allows access to low-level Linux kernel features. Explore enhancements to context variables, alias syntax, and BPF features in version 4.5.0.

Using the SystemTap Dyninst runtime environment
Stan Cox
Use SystemTap (stap), the Dyninst instrumentation framework, and Python to write instrumentation for a live running kernel or a user space application.

Extending gdbserver to support an strace client
Stan Cox
Explore the strace extensions that will let you use gdbserver to trace a program while it is also being debugged by a GDB client.