Tom Deseyn's contributions
C# 11: Raw strings, required members, and auto-default structs
Tom Deseyn
There are changes to strings and initializers in .NET 7. Learn how you can use these new features in your everyday coding.
Containerize .NET applications without writing Dockerfiles
Tom Deseyn
Discover how to use the dotnet build-image tool in a GitHub workflow to automate Dockerfile and containerized image creation from a .NET application.
Hello Podman using .NET
Tom Deseyn
The Docker.DotNet library lets .NET programs control containers using Podman or Docker. This tutorial shows you how it's done.
Tutorial for debugging .NET applications
Tom Deseyn
Learn how to debug .NET applications running with VS Code in local containers at Red Hat Developer. This tutorial lets you debug applications on development machines.
Use VS Code to debug .NET applications
Tom Deseyn
Visual Code is an easy way to debug .NET applications in cloud environments like Kubernetes and OpenShift. Learn which plug-ins and configurations you need.
Deploy .NET applications on Red Hat OpenShift using Helm
Tom Deseyn
Use Helm to create sets of resources on Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift clusters. Get a full visual of deploying a .NET application with Helm in this guide.
Some more C# 9
Tom Deseyn
Explore C# 9's new nint and nuint native-sized integer types for facilitating native interop in C# 9 programs, in this final article in the series.
C# 9 init accessors and records
Tom Deseyn
Learn how to combine C# 9's new init accessors and records to build immutable data models, which support change via the with expression.
C# 11: Raw strings, required members, and auto-default structs
There are changes to strings and initializers in .NET 7. Learn how you can use these new features in your everyday coding.
Containerize .NET applications without writing Dockerfiles
Discover how to use the dotnet build-image tool in a GitHub workflow to automate Dockerfile and containerized image creation from a .NET application.
Hello Podman using .NET
The Docker.DotNet library lets .NET programs control containers using Podman or Docker. This tutorial shows you how it's done.
Tutorial for debugging .NET applications
Learn how to debug .NET applications running with VS Code in local containers at Red Hat Developer. This tutorial lets you debug applications on development machines.
Use VS Code to debug .NET applications
Visual Code is an easy way to debug .NET applications in cloud environments like Kubernetes and OpenShift. Learn which plug-ins and configurations you need.
Deploy .NET applications on Red Hat OpenShift using Helm
Use Helm to create sets of resources on Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift clusters. Get a full visual of deploying a .NET application with Helm in this guide.
Some more C# 9
Explore C# 9's new nint and nuint native-sized integer types for facilitating native interop in C# 9 programs, in this final article in the series.
C# 9 init accessors and records
Learn how to combine C# 9's new init accessors and records to build immutable data models, which support change via the with expression.