Quarkus Renarde π¦β₯: an old-school Web framework with today's touch | DevNation Tech Talk
Quarkus Renarde π¦β₯: an old-school Web framework with today's touch | DevNation Tech Talk
Quarkus Renarde π¦β₯ is a new Web framework based on Quarkus. This framework focuses not on microservices but web applications and makes Quarkus even easier to use for web apps: - Endpoints based on convention, even easier than RESTEasy Reactive and JAX-RS - Server-side templating with Qute - Validation with Hibernate Validation - Data with Hibernate ORM or Reactive with Panache - Simple authentication with OpenID Connect or WebAuthn Quarkus Renarde π¦β₯ can deliver all this while still providing the joy of developing with Quarkus, with live reload, continuous testing, the Dev, and more.