rafael benevides headshot

Senior Architect

Rafael Benevides

With many years of experience in the IT industry, Rafael Benevides helps developers and companies all over the world to be more effective in software development. Rafael considers himself a problem solver who has a big love for sharing. He is a member of Apache DeltaSpike PMC - a Duke’s Choice Award winner project, and a speaker in conferences like JavaOne, Devoxx, TDC, DevNexus, and many others.

Rafael Benevides's contributions

Kubernetes new application server

Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server

Rafael Benevides

Kubernetes and related technologies, such as Red Hat OpenShift and Istio, provide the non-functional requirements that used to be part of an application server and the additional capabilities described in this article. Does that mean application servers are dead?

The Twelve factor app

12 Factors to Cloud Success

Rafael Benevides

Hey, developers! Do you care about using the best practices to apply your application to the cloud? If so then you should be using The 12-factor App , which is a methodology for building software-as-a-service. Today I like to talk about the 12-factor App, which I had presented to a group at the Red Hat Summit last month. Every developer that is moving their application to the cloud will face a different environment than what they are used to, their...

Java inside docker

Java inside docker: What you must know to not FAIL

Rafael Benevides

Many developers are (or should be) aware that Java processes running inside Linux containers ( docker, rkt, runC, lxcfs, etc) don't behave as expected when we let the JVM ergonomics set the default values for the garbage collector, heap size, and runtime compiler. When we execute a Java application without any tuning parameter like "java -jar mypplication-fat.jar", the JVM will adjust by itself several parameters to have the best performance in the execution environment. This blog post takes a straightforward...

Automating microservices deployment with Red Hat Ansible Automation

Automating microservices deployment with Ansible

Rafael Benevides

One of the main principles of microservices is to be independently deployable. As a consequence, Microservices development and operation tend to be much more complex than a Monolith because of their distributed nature --- if your IT team has not moved out yet from its silos and has adopted DevOps practices, the operations team will not really understand why they have to deploy hundreds of independent software pieces in opposite to the "good old monolith". "You need a mature operations...

OpenShift Operator

Four creative ways to create an OpenShift/Kubernetes dev environment

Rafael Benevides

Developers have a lot of choices when deciding how to start using OpenShift and Kubernetes locally --- without going through a native OS installation. We all need to have a development environment as close as possible to production (to prevent defects caused by environmental differences), but ideally we need to do this without spending a lot of time to setup and a lot of computational resources (cpu, memory and disk space). This post will present four alternatives to create a...

Microservices CI/CD Pipelines in Red Hat Openshift

Microservices CI/CD Pipelines in Openshift

Rafael Benevides

One of the greatest advantages of using docker containers is the fact that you can move them between environments. A promotion from Development to a Production environment, shouldn’t take more than some few seconds. This is one aspect of “Continuous Delivery” Because Microservices Architectures are “independently replaceable and upgradeable”, they are the best scenario to show a “Deployment Pipeline”. Red Hat Developers has produced a sample and free application called “Red Hat Helloworlds MSA” that demonstrates different aspects of microservices...

Article Thumbnail

Have your own Microservices playground

Rafael Benevides

Microservices are standing at the " Peak of Inflated Expectations". It's immeasurable the number of developers and companies that want to bring in this new development paradigm and don't know what challenges they will face. Of course, the challenges and the reality of an Enterprise company that has been producing software for the last 10 or 20 years is totally different from the start-up company that just released its first software some months ago. Before adopting microservices as an architectural...

WildFly Swarm logo

Four different approaches to run WildFly Swarm in OpenShift

Rafael Benevides

WildFly Swarm 1.0.0.Final was released this week at DevNation. It allows the developer to package his application and a JavaEE runtime in a "fat- jar" file. To execute the application, the developer will only need a Java SE Runtime installed and have access to the "fat-jar". No other downloads or configurations are needed. Besides being a well known (and consolidated) Java EE runtime, WildFly Swarm is also an excellent choice for Cloud-native Java apps through the "built-in support for third...