
Featured image for: How to install Kubeflow 1.2 on Red Hat OpenShift.

How to install Kubeflow 1.2 on Red Hat OpenShift

David Marcus +1

Learn to install Kubeflow on OpenShift using the Open Data Hub Operator. You can fork, modify, and update the example Kubeflow toolkit to fit your needs.

GitOps and Kubernetes logos

Why should developers care about GitOps?

Don Schenck

What is GitOps and why should you care about it? Find out how Red Hat OpenShift's new cloud-native CI/CD capabilities support faster application delivery.

Enhance application security by rotating 3scale access tokens

4 steps to set up 3scale access tokens

Samuele Illuminati +1

Learn how to set up single-use access tokens in Red Hat 3scale API Management to enhance application security with this X-step demo.

How to pick the right container base image

How to pick the right container base image

Scott McCarty (fatherlinux)

Choosing the right container base image matters, and it shouldn't be complicated. Learn how Red Hat Universal Base Images can help.

2021 Summit card - updated

Red Hat Summit 2021

Red Hat Summit has been reimagined for 2021 into several different experiences, including a variety of must-see sessions for developers. Part 1 (April 27-28) features Burr Sutter's iconic demos, developer-focused sessions, and a virtual DevZone. Part 2 (June 15-16) features an entire track of developer-focused breakout sessions selected specifically for you, and even more resources in the virtual DevZone.

Summit 2022

Developers at Red Hat Summit

Red Hat® Summit is where ideas and innovation come together to shape the future of enterprise IT. With a variety of offerings for this year’s event, you have the opportunity to shape conversations around open cloud technology, digital transformation, and much more.

Featured image for "Installing Red Hat OpenShift API Management."

Installing Red Hat OpenShift API Management

Jennifer Vargas

Take 10 minutes to install Red Hat OpenShift API Management, then use it to build and deploy cloud-native microservices with Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated.

Featured image: Kebechet

Use Kebechet machine learning to perform source code operations

Christoph Görn

One of the first tools we developed to help us with Project Thoth was Kebechet, which we named for the goddess of freshness and purification. As we separated our software into more and more repositories (each of our Python modules is in its own repository on GitHub), we needed help with releasing new versions and keeping all dependent modules up-to-date. In a team of two and with more than 35 repositories, our process was a major time-burner. Kebechet is a...