

Red Hat support for Node.js

James Falkner

For the past two years, Red Hat Middleware has provided a supported Node.js runtime on Red Hat OpenShift as part of Red Hat Runtimes . Our goal has been to provide rapid releases of the upstream Node.js core project, example applications to get developers up and running quickly, Node.js container images, integrations with other components of Red Hat's cloud-native stack, and (of course) provide world-class service and support for customers. Earlier this year, the team behind Red Hat's distribution and...


The browser wars and the birth of JavaScript

Doug Tidwell

Born of the browser wars of the 1990s, JavaScript has gone from a simple scripting language to be the most important ecosystem of the development world.

Red Hat JBoss AMQ image

Scaling AMQ 7 Brokers with AMQ Interconnect

Roman Martin Gil

AMQ Interconnect provides flexible routing of messages between AMQP-enabled endpoints, including clients, brokers, and standalone services. With a single connection to a network of AMQ Interconnect routers, a client can exchange messages with other endpoints, enabling you to scale your AMQ 7 brokers easily.

Running Microsoft SQL Server pod on OpenShift

Zero to Express on OpenShift in Three Commands

Lucas Holmquist

With the recent announcement that Node.js is available as part of Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes, I wanted to see how easy it was to deploy an Express.js app on Red Hat OpenShift. It was quite easy to go from zero to having an Express app deployed and running. I show how using npx and nodeshift.

3Scale By Red Hat logo

3scale ActiveDocs and OAuth 2.0

kevin price

How to secure your API documentation with Red Hat Single Sign-On. This guide is to help you integrate your Red Hat Single Sign-On server with the OAI-based ActiveDocs in your 3scale Developer Portal. Although it has only been implemented with this particular IdP you could in theory make some customisation

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Whisking Functions with Promises using OpenWhisk

Kamesh Sampath

In this blog we will see how to build a simple nodejs function that can do a reverse geocoding using GoogleMaps API.,and deploy the functions on to OpenWhisk

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP

Mikel Sanchez

Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP. In this Blog post entry I will try to cover, how to use Red Hat Mobile Application Platform with private npm modules from

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The State of Microservices Survey 2017 - Eight trends you need to know

Cesar Saavedra

During the fall of 2017, we conducted a microservices survey with our Red Hat Middleware and Red Hat OpenShift customers. Here are eight interesting trends discerned by the results: I. Microservices are being used to re-architect existing applications as much as for brand new projects There seems to be a strong emphasis in the market by technology vendors for positioning microservices as being only for new projects. However, our survey reveals that organizations are also using microservices to re-architect existing...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Accelerating the development of Node.js using OpenShift

Cesar Valdez

In this blog entry, I want to introduce a "different" way to work with OpenShift. In the typical way to deploy a Pod to OpenShift, we have available a set of very useful objects we have build/image configurations. This takes the pain from us by hiding the details about image construction but, sometimes we just want to see some code running in the cloud. Or we want to see if our service/application is able to interact with nearby services or...

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Best practices with React and Redux web application development

Samuel Mendenhall

Introduction In the past year, our team has re-written one of our internal apps from Angular to React. While earlier React experience on the team ranged from new to experienced, we learned a lot along this journey. Much of what we learned has been from experiencing pain points in development, or inefficiencies, and either researching others' best practices or experimenting with what works best for us. Use Typescript One of the best decisions we ever made in our project was...

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.1.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final for Eclipse Oxygen.1A

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5.1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.1 for Eclipse Oxygen.1A are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7.1A Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

Using New Relic

Using New Relic in Red Hat Mobile Node.js Applications

Evan Shortiss

Introduction New Relic is an application-monitoring platform that provides in-depth analytics and analysis for applications regardless of the type of environment where they are deployed, or as New Relic put it themselves: “Gain end-to-end visibility across your customer experience, application performance, and dynamic infrastructure with the New Relic Digital Intelligence Platform.” - New Relic You might ask why there’s a use for New Relic’s monitoring capabilities when Red Hat Mobile Application Platform (RHMAP) and OpenShift Container Platform both offer insights...

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Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.0.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.0.Final for Eclipse Oxygen

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0 for Eclipse Oxygen are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

Hybrid app on iOS

How to debug your mobile hybrid app on iOS

Mikel Sanchez

Following the blog post series , today, finally we have Part 2, this chapter tries to explain in an easy way how to debug your hybrid app using the Safari web inspector. As you know sometimes debugging a mobile app on a mobile device can be hard work, for Android and Web pages we have the Chrome Developer tools, this has been an extended way to do it, Part 3 of the blog post series will cover this method, for...

Mobile Apps Load Testing

Developing Mobile Applications using TypeScript on Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Evan Shortiss

As of its release 2.19, the Red Hat Mobile JavaScript Client SDK contains a TypeScript definition file. By providing type definitions our JavaScript SDK can easily be used in applications developed using TypeScript. As a developer with a few years of JavaScript experience, I was initially skeptical of TypeScript, but after using it for a short period, I'm not sure how I ever managed without it! In this post, I take a look at the benefits TypeScript offers and demonstrate...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Debugging RHMAP Apps locally with Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

David Ffrench

Do you want to speed up your debugging process? This blog post is designed to help you do just that by empowering you with the knowledge of how to debug RHMAP Cloud Apps and MBaaS services locally using VS Code. For an introduction to running RHMAP client apps locally, see How to Setup your Apps to Target Locally on Device . Why VS Code? Interactive Debugger allows you to step through source code, inspect variables, view call stacks, and execute...