
Featured image: Kebechet

Use Kebechet machine learning to perform source code operations

Christoph Görn

One of the first tools we developed to help us with Project Thoth was Kebechet, which we named for the goddess of freshness and purification. As we separated our software into more and more repositories (each of our Python modules is in its own repository on GitHub), we needed help with releasing new versions and keeping all dependent modules up-to-date. In a team of two and with more than 35 repositories, our process was a major time-burner. Kebechet is a...

featured image for the new odo release

Kubernetes integration and more in odo 2.0

Serena Chechile Nichols +1

Explore the updates in the odo 2.0 CLI, which now integrates with Kubernetes, defaults to devfile deployments, and lets you deploy Operators.

Raspberry Pi photo printer

How to build a Raspberry Pi photo booth

Doug Tidwell

The Raspberry Pi is a popular, powerful, low-cost Linux machine that can do amazing things. This article shows you how to build a photo booth with one.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta

What, No Python in RHEL 8 Beta?

Langdon White

Of course RHEL 8 has Python, both Python 3 and 2. Changes in RHEL 8 such as platform python and application streams improve the Python experience in RHEL.

Python on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Python in RHEL 8

Petr Viktorin

To install Python, type `yum install python3`. To run Python, type `python3`. What you need to know for using Python in RHEL 8.