Paolo Patierno

Apache Kafka Streams for the Hybrid IoT | DevNation Tech Talk

A DevNation Live session - Apache Kafka Streams for the Hybrid IoT

It requires tons of devices to supervise the environment connected to the Cloud, tons of data to ingest as a river in flood, tons of messages to process for getting information from them.

This is where IoT data streaming comes in place with the need to analyze this unbounded dataset in real time and react to events. At the same time, controlling these devices at the edge is a crucial part of the overall solution but just one technology isn’t enough anymore. During this session, we’ll see how it is possible to use Apache Kafka together with a “traditional” messaging protocol like AMQP 1.0, getting the strengths from both, for making the hybrid IoT a reality.

Learn how Apache Kafka and its Streams API are a dream team for making this reality. This tutorial will teach you how to use them to develop a complete pipeline for IoT data processing.