Secure communication over a computer network is one of the most important requirements for a system, and yet it can be difficult to set up correctly. This example shows how to set up Red Hat AMQ 7 end-to-end TLS encryption using a custom X.509 certificate on the Red Hat OpenShift platform.
You need to have the following in place before you can proceed with this example:
- An OpenShift cluster up and running.
- A custom X.509 certificate in PEM format (along with its chain).
- An active Red Hat Customer Portal account.
The procedure
Before we start, let's define a few handy variables:
PROJECT="demo" USER="developer" BASEURL=""
The first step is to log in and create a new project to host our broker:
oc login -u $USER -p x oc new-project $PROJECT
Then, we need to create a dedicated ServiceAccount for deployment and add the view role:
echo '{"kind": "ServiceAccount", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"name": "amq-service-account"}}' | oc create -f - oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:$PROJECT:amq-service-account
At this point, we should have all custom certificate files available. Most likely, this signed custom certificate came from the security team, along with its private key and the whole certificate's chain (all in PEM format).
The certificate files consist of the following:
- rootca.pem: The root Certificate Authority (CA) in our domain.
- interm.pem: An intermediate CA created to sign the certificate in a specific context.
- server.pem: The final server certificate, which can be issued for single or multiple domains (wildcard).
- server-prk.pem: The private key associated with our server's certificate.
Using these files, create a server KeyStore, convert it to Java KeyStore (JKS) format, and then trust the chain of certificates used to sign it:
cat interm.pem rootca.pem > chain.pem cat server.pem chain.pem > bundle.pem openssl pkcs12 -export -in bundle.pem -inkey server-prk.pem -out server.p12 -name server -CAfile chain.pem -passout pass:secret keytool -importkeystore -alias server -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srckeystore server.p12 -srcstorepass secret -destkeystore server.jks -deststorepass secret keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias chain -file chain.pem -keystore server.jks -storepass secret
When the server KeyStore is ready, it can be imported into a Secret that must also be added to the ServiceAccount created earlier:
oc create secret generic amq-app-secret --from-file=server.jks oc secrets add sa/amq-service-account secret/amq-app-secret
In this example, we use the persistent AMQ 7 SSL template, because we usually want our messages to survive a broker shutdown. Let's create the image stream and download the broker's template:
oc login -u system:admin oc replace --force -f $BASEURL/amq-broker-7-image-streams.yaml curl -o broker.yaml $BASEURL/templates/amq-broker-74-persistence-ssl.yaml
To be able to download the broker's image from the Red Hat Container Registry, we also need to add an authentication Secret and link it to the default ServiceAccount:
oc create secret docker-registry registry-auth \ \ --docker-username=<portal-username> \ --docker-password=<portal-password> oc secrets link default registry-auth --for=pull
The next step is to deploy the broker using the downloaded template and pass our KeyStore as a parameter:
oc login -u $USER -p x oc process -f broker.yaml \ -p APPLICATION_NAME=$PROJECT \ -p AMQ_USER=admin \ -p AMQ_PASSWORD=admin \ -p AMQ_TRUSTSTORE=server.jks \ -p AMQ_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=secret \ -p AMQ_KEYSTORE=server.jks \ -p AMQ_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=secret \ | oc create -f -
We are almost finished. The last step is to create a service and a passthrough route to expose the desired port to the external world. Here we are exposing the AMQP port, but you can do the same with the other available protocols:
oc create -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: application: $PROJECT-amq name: broker-amq-amqp-ssl spec: ports: - port: 5671 targetPort: 5671 selector: $PROJECT-amq-0 EOF oc create route passthrough --service=broker-amq-amqp-ssl
Java client setup
You can use your preferred JMS library to build your client, but you will certainly need a truststore in JKS format for one-way TLS authentication:
keytool -import -noprompt -file server.pem -alias server -keystore truststore.jks -storepass secret
If you want to access the broker from outside OpenShift, then you also need to use a ConnectionFactory URL similar to this one:
Additional notes
You must bind the hostname you are using in the certificate's CN field to the cluster's HAProxy IP address in your DNS server. If you are using a homemade CA, then you also need to trust the chain on the client machine to access the Hawtio web console.
Last updated: March 29, 2023