One question always comes up as organizations moving towards being cloud-native, twelve-factor, and stateless: How do you get an organization’s data to these new applications? There are many different patterns out there, but one pattern we will look at today is change data capture. This post is a simple how-to on how to build out a change data capture solution using Debezium within an OpenShift environment. Future posts will also add to this and add additional capabilities.
What is change data capture?
Another Red Hatter, Sadhana Nandakumar, sums it up well in one of her posts around change data capture:
"Change data capture (CDC) is a pattern that enables database changes to be monitored and propagated to downstream systems. It is an effective way of enabling reliable microservices integration and solving typical challenges, such as gradually extracting microservices from existing monoliths."
This pattern lets data become distributed amongst teams, where each team can self-manage their own data while still keeping up-to-date with the original source of data. There are also other patterns, such as Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), which build on this idea.
What is Debezium?
Debezium is an open source technology, supported by Red Hat as part of Red Hat Integration, which allows database row-level changes to be captured as events and published to Apache Kafka topics. Debezium connectors are based on the popular Apache Kafka Connect API and can be deployed within Red Hat AMQ Streams Kafka clusters.
Application overview
The application we will use as our "monolith" is a Spring Boot application that uses a MySQL database as its back end. The application itself has adopted the Event Sourcing and Outbox patterns. This means that the application maintains a separate table within the database consisting of domain events. It is this table that we need to monitor for changes to publish into our Kafka topics. In this example, there is a table called outbox_events
that looks like this:
+-----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | event_id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | aggregate_id | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | aggregate_type | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | event_timestamp | datetime(6) | NO | | NULL | | | event_type | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | payload | json | YES | | NULL | | +-----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
Setting up the database
The Debezium documentation has a section on how to set up the Debezium connector to work with a MySQL database. We need to follow that documentation but in a container-native way since we will run everything on Red Hat OpenShift. There are many different ways to accomplish this task, but I will describe the way I decided to do it.
Create an OpenShift project
The first thing we need to do is log into our OpenShift cluster. In my example, I use OpenShift 4.3. The database setup does not require cluster admin privileges, so any normal user will work fine:
$ oc login <CLUSTER_API_URL>
Next, let’s create a project to host our work:
$ oc new-project debezium-demo
Create the MySQL configuration
From the Debezium documentation on setting up MySQL, the first thing we need to do is enable the binlog, GTIDs, and query log events. This is typically done in the MySQL configuration file, usually located in /etc/my.cnf
. In our case, we will use Red Hat’s MySQL 8.0 container image. This image is already deployed in most OpenShift installations in the openshift
namespace under the mysql:8.0
tag. The source of this image comes from
According to the container image documentation, the default configuration file is at /etc/my.cnf
, but there is an environment variable, MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE
, that can be used to override its location. MySQL configuration also lets one configuration file include other configuration files, so we will create a new configuration file that first includes the default configuration and then overrides some of that configuration to enable the required Debezium configuration.
We’ll do this by first creating a configuration file containing our configuration. We’ll call this file my-debezium.cnf
!include /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] server-id = 223344 server_id = 223344 log_bin = ON binlog_format = ROW binlog_row_image = full binlog_rows_query_log_events = ON expire_logs_days = 10 gtid_mode = ON enforce_gtid_consistency = ON
Now that our MySQL configuration file is created, let's create it as a ConfigMap
within our OpenShift project:
$ oc create configmap db-config --from-file=my-debezium.cnf
Create a MySQL user
The next part of the Debezium MySQL configuration is to create a MySQL user for the connector. We will follow the same pattern that we did for the configuration by creating a file containing the needed SQL. This initdb.sql
file will create a user with the ID debezium
and password debezium
Note: In a real production environment, we want to choose usernames and passwords more carefully, as well as only allowing the debezium
user access to the tables it will monitor.
Now create a ConfigMap
within our OpenShift project:
$ oc create configmap db-init --from-file=initdb.sql
The last piece of the configuration is to create an OpenShift Secret
to hold onto our database credentials. This Secret
will be used by our database as well as the application that connects to the database. For simplicity, we will use music
as our database name, username, password, and admin password:
$ oc create secret generic db-creds --from-literal=database-name=music --from-literal=database-password=music --from-literal=database-user=music --from-literal=database-admin-password=music
Note (again): In a real production environment, we want to choose usernames and passwords more carefully.
Deploy MySQL
The last part is to create the database and point it to our two configurations. OpenShift allows us to take the ConfigMap
s we created and mount them as files within the container filesystem. We can then use environment variables to change the behavior of the MySQL container image. Let’s create a descriptor YAML file, mysql.yml
, for our database DeploymentConfig
and Service
kind: DeploymentConfig apiVersion: metadata: name: spring-music-db labels: application: spring-music app: spring-music spring-music mysql-database spec: replicas: 1 strategy: type: Recreate recreateParams: post: failurePolicy: Abort execNewPod: command: - /bin/sh - '-c' - sleep 10 && MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" $MYSQL_PREFIX/bin/mysql -h $SPRING_MUSIC_DB_SERVICE_HOST -u root < /config/initdb.d/initdb.sql containerName: spring-music-db volumes: - db-init selector: name: spring-music-db template: metadata: name: spring-music-db labels: name: spring-music-db spec: volumes: - name: db-data emptyDir: {} - name: db-init configMap: name: db-init - name: db-config configMap: name: db-config containers: - env: - name: MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE value: /config/configdb.d/my-debezium.cnf - name: MYSQL_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-creds key: database-user - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-creds key: database-password - name: MYSQL_DATABASE valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-creds key: database-name - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-creds key: database-admin-password name: spring-music-db image: ' ' imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: db-data mountPath: /var/lib/mysql/data - name: db-init mountPath: /config/initdb.d - name: db-config mountPath: /config/configdb.d ports: - containerPort: 3306 protocol: TCP livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 tcpSocket: port: 3306 timeoutSeconds: 1 readinessProbe: exec: command: - /bin/sh - -i - -c - MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_PASSWORD" mysql -h -u $MYSQL_USER -D $MYSQL_DATABASE -e 'SELECT 1' failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: limits: memory: 512Mi securityContext: privileged: false triggers: - type: ConfigChange - type: ImageChange imageChangeParams: automatic: true containerNames: - spring-music-db from: kind: ImageStreamTag name: mysql:8.0 namespace: openshift --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: spring-music-db labels: application: spring-music app: spring-music annotations: mysql://{.spec.clusterIP}:{.spec.ports[?(.name=="mysql")].port} spec: ports: - name: mysql port: 3306 protocol: TCP targetPort: 3306 selector: name: spring-music-db
From this DeploymentConfig
, you can see that we mount our db-init
and db-config
s as volumes on the container filesystem inside the /config
directory on lines 72-75:
volumeMounts: - name: db-data mountPath: /var/lib/mysql/data - name: db-init mountPath: /config/initdb.d - name: db-config mountPath: /config/configdb.d
The /config/configdb.d/my-debezium.cnf
file is also set as the value for the MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE
environment variable on lines 44-45:
- env: - name: MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE value: /config/configdb.d/my-debezium.cnf
The database initialization script from the db-init
is executed as a post lifecycle hook on lines 15-24:
post: failurePolicy: Abort execNewPod: command: - /bin/sh - '-c' - sleep 10 && MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" $MYSQL_PREFIX/bin/mysql -h $SPRING_MUSIC_DB_SERVICE_HOST -u root < /config/initdb.d/initdb.sql containerName: spring-music-db volumes: - db-init
Our MySQL instance here is ephemeral, so whenever a new container instance is created the script will execute in a sidecar container within the pod.
Now create the resources and wait for the database pod to start:
$ oc create -f mysql.yml
Starting the application
Now that our database is up and running we can start the application. Let's go to the OpenShift web console and then to the Developer perspective's Topology view, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Navigate to Developer Perspective">
Then click the +Add button, followed by the Container Image tile, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Add new container image">
Fill in the image name with
and then click the search button, as shown in Figure 3.

Then fill out the rest of the information from Figures 4 and 5 below, making sure to add the correct labels and environment variables by clicking the links at the bottom with the sentence "Click on the names to access advanced options for Routing, Deployment, Scaling, Resource Limits, and Labels."
The fields and values should be filled out as follows:
- Application: spring-music
- Name: spring-music
- Deployment Config: selected
- Create a route to the application: checked
- Labels
- Deployment
- Auto deploy when new image is available: checked
- Auto deploy when deployment configuration changes: checked
- Environment Variables
- Add from Config Map or Secret
- VALUE: From Secret db-creds field database-user
- Add from Config Map or Secret
- VALUE: from Secret db-creds field database-password
- Add Value
- VALUE: jdbc:mysql://spring-music-db/music
- Add from Config Map or Secret

Once done, click the Create button.
Back in the Topology view, you should see the application spin up. Once it is surrounded by the blue ring, click the route button on the top-right corner of the application icon, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Launch application UI">
This will launch the application. Feel free to play around with it if you'd like. Try deleting an album.
Deploy AMQ Streams
Now that our database and application are up and running let’s deploy our AMQ Streams cluster. First, we need to install the AMQ Streams Operator into the cluster from the OperatorHub. To do this you need cluster admin privileges for your OpenShift cluster. Log in to the web console as a cluster admin, then on the left expand OperatorHub, search for AMQ Streams, and select Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Find AMQ Streams Operator">
On the installation screen, click the Install button, as shown in Figure 8.

On the Create Operator Subscription page, leave the defaults and click Subscribe, as shown in Figure 9. This action will install the Operator for all of the projects in the cluster.

Figure 9: Create Operator subscription">
You'll then be brought to the Installed Operators screen. Sit tight and wait for the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams Operator to show up with Succeeded status, as shown in Figure 10. It shouldn't take more than a minute or two.

Figure 10: Wait for the Operator to provision">
Now let's create our Kafka cluster. Click on the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams label to get to the main AMQ Streams Operator page. Then under Provided APIs, click the Create Instance label in the Kafka section, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Create Kafka instance">
The Create Kafka YAML editor will then come up. Remove everything that's there, paste in the following, and click the Create button at the bottom of the screen:
kind: Kafka apiVersion: metadata: name: db-events namespace: debezium-demo labels: app: spring-music-cdc template: spring-music-cdc spring-music-cdc spec: kafka: replicas: 3 listeners: plain: {} jvmOptions: gcLoggingEnabled: false config: auto.create.topics.enable: "true" num.partitions: 1 offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3 default.replication.factor: 3 transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3 transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2 storage: type: persistent-claim size: 100Gi deleteClaim: true template: statefulset: metadata: labels: spring-music-cdc app: spring-music-cdc template: spring-music-cdc annotations: db-events-zookeeper zookeeper: replicas: 3 storage: type: persistent-claim size: 100Gi deleteClaim: true template: statefulset: metadata: labels: spring-music-cdc app: spring-music-cdc template: spring-music-cdc entityOperator: topicOperator: {} userOperator: {}
This action will deploy a three-node Kafka cluster along with a three-node Zookeeper cluster. It will also turn down the JVM's garbage collection logging so that if we need to look at the logs in any of the Kafka broker pods they won’t be polluted with tons of garbage collection debug logs. Both the Kafka and Zookeeper brokers are backed by persistent storage, so the data will survive a broker and cluster restart.
Wait a few minutes for OpenShift to spin everything up. You can switch to the OpenShift Developer perspective’s Topology view by clicking what is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Switch to developer perspective">
Once the db-events-entity-operator, db-events-kafka, and db-events-zookeeper items all show up with a blue ring around them, as shown in Figure 13, you are done.

Figure 13: Wait for Kafka deployment">
Deploy Kafka Connect
Debezium runs inside a Kafka Connect cluster, so that means we need a container image with both Kafka Connect and the Debezium libraries together. The easiest way to do this is to create your own container image from the Kafka Connect base image. What follows are the steps needed to do this. I also already created an image you can use, so feel free to skip this sub-section if you would like and use the image at
Building your own Kafka Connect image
To build your own Kafka Connect image:
- Create a directory on your local computer (i.e.,
) and thencd
into that directory. - Create a directory inside called
. - Download the Debezium MySQL connector from the Debezium Releases page.
Note: This post was written using the 1.1.0.Final
version of the MySQL connector, but whatever the latest version listed should do fine.
- Unpackage the downloaded file into the
directory. - Create a
at the root (i.e.,debezium-connect-image
) directory with the following contents (you'll need an account
and to log into the registry on your machine in order to pull the AMQ Streams image):FROM USER root:root COPY ./plugins/ /opt/kafka/plugins USER jboss:jboss
- Your directory tree should now look like what's shown in Figure 14.
- Build or tag the image using your favorite tool (i.e., Docker/Buildah/etc.) and push it to your registry of choice.
Create Kafka Connect credentials
Before we create the KafkaConnect cluster there is one small thing we need to take care of. The Debezium connector requires a connection to the database. Rather than hard-coding the credentials into the configuration, let’s instead create an OpenShift Secret
that contains credentials that can then be mounted into the KafkaConnect
On your local filesystem, create a file called
. The contents of this file should be:
dbUsername=debezium dbPassword=debezium
Now let’s create the OpenShift Secret
$ oc create secret generic db-connector-creds
Deploy the Kafka Connect image
Back in the OpenShift console go back to the Administrator perspective and go into Installed Operators, then click on the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams operator, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Installed Operators">
Then under Provided APIs, click the Create Instance label in the Kafka Connect section, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Create Kafka Connect instance">
The Create KafkaConnect YAML editor will then come up. Remove everything that's there, paste in the following, and click the Create button at the bottom of the screen:
kind: KafkaConnect apiVersion: metadata: name: db-events namespace: debezium-demo labels: app: spring-music-cdc template: spring-music-cdc annotations: "true" spec: replicas: 1 image: "" bootstrapServers: "db-events-kafka-bootstrap:9092" jvmOptions: gcLoggingEnabled: false config: spring-music-db spring-music-db-offsets spring-music-db-configs spring-music-db-status 1 1 1 config.providers: file config.providers.file.class: org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.FileConfigProvider externalConfiguration: volumes: - name: connector-config secret: secretName: db-connector-creds template: deployment: metadata: labels: app: spring-music-cdc spring-music-cdc template: spring-music-cdc annotations: db-events-kafka,spring-music-db
This action will deploy a one-node KafkaConnect cluster. It will also turn down the JVM's garbage collection logging so that if we need to look at the logs in any of the KafkaConnect
pods, they won’t be polluted with tons of garbage collection debug logs.
As you can see from this configuration, we use the
image on line 13:
image: ""
Then we tell the KafkaConnect
cluster to connect to the db-events-kafka-bootstrap:9092
bootstrap server on line 14:
bootstrapServers: "db-events-kafka-bootstrap:9092"
We’ve also added some externalConfiguration
, which tells the KafkaConnect
container to mount the secret named db-connector-creds
into the directory /opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config
within the running container (lines 27-31):
externalConfiguration: volumes: - name: connector-config secret: secretName: db-connector-creds
If you go back to the OpenShift Developer perspective’s Topology view, you should now see the db-events-connect deployment with one replica available, as shown in Figure 17. It might take a few minutes for it to become available.

Deploy the Debezium connector
Now that our Kafka Connect cluster is up and running we can deploy our Debezium connector configuration into it. Back in the OpenShift console, go back to the Administrator perspective, then Installed Operators, and then click the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams operator, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Installed Operators">
Then under Provided APIs, click the Create Instance label in the Kafka Connector section, as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Create Kafka Connector instance">
The Create KafkaConnector YAML editor will then come up. Remove everything that's there, paste in the following, and click the Create button at the bottom of the screen. This action will deploy the connector configuration into the Kafka Connect cluster and start the connector:
kind: KafkaConnector apiVersion: metadata: name: db-events namespace: debezium-demo labels: app: spring-music-cdc db-events spec: class: io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector tasksMax: 1 config: database.hostname: spring-music-db database.port: 3306 database.user: "${file:/opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config/}" database.password: "${file:/opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config/}" database.dbname: music spring-music 223344 database.whitelist: music database.allowPublicKeyRetrieval: true database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers: db-events-kafka-bootstrap:9092 database.history.kafka.topic: table.whitelist: music.outbox_events tombstones.on.delete : false transforms: outbox transforms.outbox.type: io.debezium.transforms.outbox.EventRouter transforms.outbox.route.topic.replacement: "outbox.${routedByValue}.events" event_id transforms.outbox.table.field.event.key: aggregate_id transforms.outbox.table.field.event.timestamp: event_timestamp transforms.outbox.table.field.event.type: event_type aggregate_id aggregate_type transforms.outbox.table.fields.additional.placement: "event_id:envelope:eventId,event_timestamp:envelope:eventTimestamp,aggregate_id:envelope:aggregateId,aggregate_type:envelope:aggregateType"
This configuration provides lots of information. You’ll notice that the database username and password are injected into the configuration via the
file stored in our OpenShift Secret
on lines 15-16:
database.user: "${file:/opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config/}" database.password: "${file:/opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config/}"
The configuration also instructs Debezium as to which topic to place events on (line 28):
transforms.outbox.route.topic.replacement: "outbox.${routedByValue}.events"
Debezium supports placing all events on a single topic or using a derived routing key to decide the topic. In our case, our application only deals with a single type of domain for its events. For our application, all of the events are stored in the
Note: If our application worked with more than one kind of domain event that might be unrelated to another, it might make sense to place each domain’s events into different topics.
Debezium provides a single message transformation to provide out-of-the-box support for applications implementing the Outbox pattern. More documentation on the specifics of Debezium’s Outbox Event Router and it’s configuration can be found in the Debezium documentation. Since the connector has this capability built-in, we just need to tell Debezium how to map between the fields it expects in the payload and the fields in our actual database table (lines 29-35): event_id transforms.outbox.table.field.event.key: aggregate_id transforms.outbox.table.field.event.timestamp: event_timestamp transforms.outbox.table.field.event.type: event_type aggregate_id aggregate_type transforms.outbox.table.fields.additional.placement: "event_id:envelope:eventId,event_timestamp:envelope:eventTimestamp,aggregate_id:envelope:aggregateId,aggregate_type:envelope:aggregateType"
We could have named the fields in our table exactly as the Debezium EventRouter
transformation was looking for it, but that would then have tightly-coupled our database schema to Debezium. As a best practice, we want our components to be loosely-coupled and updateable via external configuration.
Now, how do we know this all worked? We can go directly to one of the Kafka broker pods and run the kafka-console-consumer
utility to see the data in the topic.
Look at resulting events
Go back to the OpenShift web console and the Topology view. Click the db-events-kafka
resource. When the sidebar appears on the right, click any of the three db-events-kafka
pods that show up (i.e., the list in Figure 20). It doesn’t matter which one.

Figure 20: Select Kafka broker pod">
From there, click the Terminal tab to bring you to the terminal. Once at the terminal, run:
$ bin/ --bootstrap-server db-events-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic --from-beginning
It will output a bunch of JSON, as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Run">
You can now examine the raw output. It should look something like this:
{"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":true,"name":"","version":1,"field":"payload"},{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"eventType"},{"type":"int64","optional":false,"field":"eventId"},{"type":"int64","optional":false,"name":"io.debezium.time.MicroTimestamp","version":1,"field":"eventTimestamp"},{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"aggregateId"},{"type":"string","optional":false,"field":"aggregateType"}],"optional":false},"payload":{"payload":"{\"album\": {\"id\": \"9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4\", \"genre\": \"Rock\", \"title\": \"Nevermind\", \"artist\": \"Nirvana\", \"albumId\": null, \"trackCount\": 0, \"releaseYear\": \"1991\"}, \"eventType\": \"ALBUM_CREATED\"}","eventType":"ALBUM_CREATED","eventId":1,"eventTimestamp":1586264029784000,"aggregateId":"9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4","aggregateType":"Album"}}
The output might not look too legible, but if you pretty-print it (Google json pretty print
in your browser and find a free utility) you’ll see that the payload format looks like this:
{ "schema": { "type": "struct", "fields": [ { "type": "string", "optional": true, "name": "", "version": 1, "field": "payload" }, { "type": "string", "optional": false, "field": "eventType" }, { "type": "int64", "optional": false, "field": "eventId" }, { "type": "int64", "optional": false, "name": "io.debezium.time.MicroTimestamp", "version": 1, "field": "eventTimestamp" }, { "type": "string", "optional": false, "field": "aggregateId" }, { "type": "string", "optional": false, "field": "aggregateType" } ], "optional": false }, "payload": { "payload": "{\"album\": {\"id\": \"9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4\", \"genre\": \"Rock\", \"title\": \"Nevermind\", \"artist\": \"Nirvana\", \"albumId\": null, \"trackCount\": 0, \"releaseYear\": \"1991\"}, \"eventType\": \"ALBUM_CREATED\"}", "eventType": "ALBUM_CREATED", "eventId": 1, "eventTimestamp": 1586264029784000, "aggregateId": "9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4", "aggregateType": "Album" } }
This payload defines its own structure in the schema
element on lines 2-41:
"schema": { "type": "struct", "fields": [ { "type": "string", "optional": true, "name": "", "version": 1, "field": "payload" }, { "type": "string", "optional": false, "field": "eventType" }, { "type": "int64", "optional": false, "field": "eventId" }, { "type": "int64", "optional": false, "name": "io.debezium.time.MicroTimestamp", "version": 1, "field": "eventTimestamp" }, { "type": "string", "optional": false, "field": "aggregateId" }, { "type": "string", "optional": false, "field": "aggregateType" } ], "optional": false }
We could eliminate this section by standing up our own schema registry and configuring our cluster to use Avro serialization/deserialization. The payload
element on lines 42-49 contains metadata about the event, as well as the actual payload of the event:
"payload": { "payload": "{\"album\": {\"id\": \"9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4\", \"genre\": \"Rock\", \"title\": \"Nevermind\", \"artist\": \"Nirvana\", \"albumId\": null, \"trackCount\": 0, \"releaseYear\": \"1991\"}, \"eventType\": \"ALBUM_CREATED\"}", "eventType": "ALBUM_CREATED", "eventId": 1, "eventTimestamp": 1586264029784000, "aggregateId": "9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4", "aggregateType": "Album" }
The payload
sub-element within the main payload element (line 43) is itself a JSON string representing the contents of the domain object making up the event:
"payload": "{\"album\": {\"id\": \"9d0a7606-d933-4026-9f33-efa2bde4b9e4\", \"genre\": \"Rock\", \"title\": \"Nevermind\", \"artist\": \"Nirvana\", \"albumId\": null, \"trackCount\": 0, \"releaseYear\": \"1991\"}, \"eventType\": \"ALBUM_CREATED\"}"
If you keep this terminal window open and open up a new browser window back to the application itself, you should see new events stream in as you update/delete albums from the application’s user interface.
Next steps
Hopefully, you found this post helpful! If so, please watch for a few other posts in this series once they become available:
- Adding Prometheus metrics & Grafana Dashboard monitoring
- Securing Kafka and KafkaConnect with OAuth authentication
- Adding access control to Kafka and KafkaConnect with OAuth authorization
Also, if you are like me and want to automate the provisioning of everything, feel free to take a look at an Ansible Playbook that is capable of doing this.