Bootable containers are a concept that has gained a lot of attention in the open source community, on Hacker News, and especially in the press since Red Hat Summit 2024. The bootc project is the core technology that enables OCI containers to encompass complete operating systems, and it is the heart of image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
I believe that bootable containers will change how we think about the IT infrastructure of the future. To help users understand and use bootable containers, we have created a getting started guide in the upstream Fedora documentation. This post is meant to introduce you to the basic concepts and help you navigate the rest of the documentation.

Get started with bootc with video demos
To make things a bit more interactive, I have recorded a presentation based on the Fedora getting started guide.
I further sat down and recorded a hands-on demo working with bootable containers on my Mac that includes building a bootc image, running it in a VM on my machine and updating it.
Get support and share feedback
If you have any questions or feedback, feel more than welcome to join the conversation on Fedora Discussion and the bootc community.