Develop containers using Podman Desktop and Kubernetes

Podman Desktop is a lightweight and efficient tool for managing containers and working with Kubernetes from your Windows, macOS, or Linux machine. From building container images to working with registries and deploying containers, Podman Desktop helps you seamlessly work with containerization technology, and simplifies the transition to container deployment on Kubernetes. This learning path, created by Don Schenck, demonstrates how you can go from an initial application to a container to a fully running pod on Kubernetes using Podman Desktop and the no-cost Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.

In Part 2 of this learning path, you will combine the two containers running in Podman Desktop into a single pod and deploy that pod to your Developer Sandbox instance.

Step 10: Create a pod in Podman Desktop with running containers

At this point, there are two containers running. The next step is to put those two containers into a single pod that can later be deployed to OpenShift—in this case, your Developer Sandbox instance.

In Podman Desktop, as highlighted in Figure 5:

  1. Select both containers (Figure 5, callout 1).
  2. Click the Create Pod image near the top of Podman Desktop (Figure 5, callout 2).
Select both containers, then click the Create Pod icon.
Figure 5: Select both containers, then click the Create Pod icon.

On the Copy containers to a pod panel, first unselect the Port 6379 as seen in Figure 6, callout 1—there is no reason to expose the Redis port outside of the pod—then select Create Pod (Figure 6, callout 2).

Un-select the Port 6379, then select Create Pod.
Figure 6: Un-select the Port 6379, then select Create Pod.
Figure 6: Unselect the Port 6379, then select Create Pod.

After a few moments, formerly running containers will be stopped, and you'll be able to see the newly created pod will be displayed in the Pods section as well as the combined logs and a summary of the containers (Figure 7).

View your newly created Pod as well as its logs and summary.
Figure 7: View your newly created Pod as well as its logs and summary.

Checkpoint Checkpoint

Here, we've now pushed our local image to a remote registry to share with others, and successfully created a pod. Here, we can locally test our application in a local Kubernetes cluster such as Kind, or go ahead and deploy them to our remote Developer Sandbox instance.

Step 11: Set up your Developer Sandbox in Podman Desktop

Podman Desktop includes the option to connect to your Developer Sandbox instance and easily deploy your applications, but first, you need to install this support (Figure 8). You can find complete instructions on the Podman Desktop documentation website.

Install and configure access to your Developer Sandbox instance.
Figure 8: Install and configure access to your Developer Sandbox instance.

Step 12: Log in to your sandbox

Per the instructions from Podman Desktop, you’ll need to navigate to the Developer Sandbox page and create or log in to your sandbox instance. Once authenticated, you’ll next need to copy the login token from the OpenShift web console over to Podman Desktop (Figure 9).

Copy the login token from the OpenShift web console over to Podman Desktop.
Figure 9: Copy the login token from the OpenShift web console over to Podman Desktop.

Step 13: Connect to your OpenShift cluster

Finally, to finish connecting Podman Desktop to your Developer Sandbox instance and add the OpenShift cluster, simply paste the login command and hit Create (Figure 10). This adds an entry to your system’s kubeconfig file, which is used to connect and authenticate with a Kubernetes cluster.

Paste the login command you created, then select Create.
Figure 10: Paste the login command you created, then select Create.

Step 14: Deploy a pod to Kubernetes from Podman Desktop

In the Pods view of Podman Desktop, click the kebab menu for the pod you created and choose the Deploy to Kubernetes option. When prompted, select Deploy (Figure 11).

Click the menu for the pod you created and choose Deploy to Kubernetes.
Figure 11: Click the menu for the pod you created and choose Deploy to Kubernetes.

Step 15: View your results in OpenShift console

Switch to your Developer Sandbox Developer Topology view and you will see the pod. By clicking on the Open URL icon, you can view the website in your browser (Figure 12).

Click on the Open URL icon to view the website in your browser.
Figure 12: Click on the Open URL icon to view the website in your browser.

Refresh the browser multiple times to see the counter increment.

If you return to the Pods section of Podman Desktop, you will notice that this new pod—running in your sandbox—is now reflected in the list (Figure 13).

If you return to the Pods section, your new pod is visible.
Figure 13: If you return to the Pods section, your new pod is visible.


At this point, you have your pod running in your Developer Sandbox instance. The next step is to create a new version on your local machine, running in Podman Desktop.

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Create a local solution
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Update to a local solution

Develop containers using Podman Desktop and Kubernetes

Podman Desktop is a lightweight and efficient tool for managing containers and working with Kubernetes from your Windows, macOS, or Linux machine. From building container images to working with registries and deploying containers, Podman Desktop helps you seamlessly work with containerization technology, and simplifies the transition to container deployment on Kubernetes.

This learning path, created by Don Schenck, demonstrates how you can go from an initial application to a container to a fully running Pod on Kubernetes using Podman Desktop and the no-cost Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.