Install Red Hat Developer Hub with Helm on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Install Red Hat Developer Hub on Google Kubernetes Engine and integrate it with components running on Google Cloud.

Explore Red Hat Developer Hub

In this lesson, we’ll walk through enabling Developer Hub with Cloud SQL using Workload Identity Federation. This setup ensures secure and efficient database connectivity by leveraging Google Cloud’s managed services and robust security mechanisms. Connecting to Cloud SQL from within GKE requires the use of a sidecar which provides secure connectivity and  authentication. This configuration also briefly explores customizing database configuration for Developer Hub.

In this lesson, you will:

  • Enable Developer Hub with Cloud SQL using Workload Identity Federation.


The goal of this lesson is to leverage Workload Identity Federation for seamless authentication between your Kubernetes workload and the Cloud SQL. Workload Identity Federation eliminates the need to manage service account keys by mapping Kubernetes service accounts (KSAs) to Google Cloud service accounts (GSAs).

This process uses a GSA with necessary permissions for the Cloud SQL and maps it to the Kubernetes workload through Workload Identity Federation.

Step-by-step guide

  1. This step ensures the application relies on the external Cloud SQL instance instead of an internal database. To update the Helm configuration, disable the upstream Postgres service in your values.yaml file:

        enabled: false
  2. Ensure that the Cloud SQL Admin API is enabled for your project. You can enable it as described here: Enable Cloud SQL Admin API.
  3. Run the following command to create a Cloud SQL Postgres instance and a database user:

    gcloud sql instances create INSTANCE_NAME \ --database-version=POSTGRES_15 \ --cpu=2 \ --memory=4GB \ --region=australia-southeast2 \ --network=NETWORK_NAME \ --no-assign-ip
    gcloud sql users create USERNAME \ --instance=INSTANCE_NAME \ --password=PASSWORD
  4. Assign IAM roles for the GSA by granting the GSA the required cloudsql.client role to enable access to the Cloud SQL instance:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member "serviceAccount:${GSA}@${PROJECT_ID}" \ --role "roles/cloudsql.client"
  5. Granting database permissions is optional. If using a Cloud IAM user to connect to the database, provide the appropriate permissions on the Cloud SQL instance for the GSA. If using a standard database user, this is not required, and it has default permissions to create Developer Hub databases.

    Cloud SQL provides a utility called Cloud SQL Proxy which provides the following features:

    • Secure connections:
      • The proxy establishes a secure SSL/TLS connection between your application and the Cloud SQL database.
      • Data is encrypted in transit, ensuring protection against interception.
    • IAM integration:
      • Instead of hardcoding credentials, the proxy uses IAM roles and permissions to authenticate your application.
      • It ensures that only authorized entities can access the database.
    • Local and remote compatibility:
      • Works in both local development environments and production environments on GCP (e.g., Compute Engine, Kubernetes, Cloud Run, App Engine).
    • Simplifies configuration:
      • Manages ephemeral IP addresses and connections automatically.
      • Eliminates the need to manually whitelist IPs or configure SSL certificates for your application.

        Cloud SQL Proxy can be run as a sidecar alongside a Developer Hub container. The application connects to it as if it is the database endpoint, and the Cloud SQL Proxy handles connecting to the actual Cloud SQL instance.

  6. Add a sidecar container in your deployment to facilitate communication with the Cloud SQL instance by adding the following configuration in your values.yaml under upstream.backstage:

      - name: cloud-sql-proxy
          - "--structured-logs"
          - "--port=5432"
          - "<db-instance>"
          - "--private-ip"
          runAsNonRoot: true
            key: postgres-password
            name: rhdh-secret
      - name: BACKEND_SECRET
            key: backend-secret
            name: rhdh-auth        
  7. Configure the application to use Cloud SQL by updating the database connection configuration in your values.yaml under upstream.backstage.backend file as follows:

      client: pg
        host: ''
        port: '5432'
        user: ${DB_USER}
        password: ${DB_PASSWORD}
      prefix: devhub_plugin_

    Use the optional prefix to add a custom prefix to plug-in database instances created by Developer Hub.

    Create a secret for DB_USER credentials:

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: rhdh-secret
      namespace: rhdh-gke
      DB_USER: <username>
      postgres-password: <pwd>
      DB_PASSWORD: <pwd>
    type: Opaque
  8. Update the deployment:

    helm upgrade rhdh \
        openshift-helm-charts/redhat-developer-hub \
        --namespace rhdh-gke \
        --values values-cloudsql.yaml

Key takeaways

This learning path has demonstrated the following:

  • Using Cloud SQL with Workload Identity Federation offers secure database connectivity.
  • Adding a sidecar container simplifies access to the Cloud SQL instance by abstracting the connectivity details.

By following this guide, your RHDH deployment will leverage the scalability and reliability of Google Cloud SQL while adhering to cloud security and architecture best practices. 

Notes on configuration files: Refer to the provided sample values-cloudsql.yaml file for guidance.

Ready to learn more about Red Hat Developer Hub? Explore these offerings:

Previous resource
Integrate Developer Hub with a Google Cloud Storage bucket using Workload Identity Federation