Install Red Hat Developer Hub with Helm on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Install Red Hat Developer Hub on Google Kubernetes Engine and integrate it with components running on Google Cloud.

Explore Red Hat Developer Hub

In this first lesson, you will install RHDH with minimal configuration and expose it using Layer 4 Load Balancer or Ingress on GKE. The configuration also exposes RHDH over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) using self-signed certificates or custom certificates.

In this lesson, you will:

  • Get Developer Hub up and running with PostgreSQL and Ingress/Layer 4 Load Balancer (LB) enabled on your GKE cluster.

To begin, complete the following steps to ensure that the prerequisite conditions are satisfied:

  1. Connect to the GKE cluster. Authenticate and set up GKE access using the Google Cloud command-line interface (CLI):

    gcloud auth login --cred-file=credentials.json
    gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER} --location ${LOCATION}
  2. Create a namespace where RHDH will be installed and pull the secret to pull images from Red Hat Registry:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      labels: rhdh-gke
      name: <namespace>
    apiVersion: v1
      .dockerconfigjson: <data>
    kind: Secret
      name: rhdh-pull-secret
      namespace: <namespace>
  3. Create a managed certificate (optional). If you are planning to use a Google Cloud-managed certificate for the ingress, you can apply the ManagedCertificate CR onto the GKE cluster:

    kind: ManagedCertificate
      name: rhdh-cert
      namespace: rhdh-gke
        - <rhdh domain name>

Install Developer Hub with Helm

In the next steps, we’ll use Helm and configure the necessary settings using a values.yaml file to install RHDH.

  1. Provide the host configuration. Specify the DNS value where RHDH will be exposed in This ensures proper ingress routing.
  2. Configure pull secrets. If you need to pull Developer Hub images from the Red Hat Registry and require authentication, import the pull secret. Add it under upstream.backstage.image.pullSecrets, or
  3. Configure ingress:

          enabled: true

    This configuration enables the creation of ingress on GKE using a default ingress class gce.

    TLS certificate configuration:

    • This example uses for TLS management.

    • If using self-provisioned TLS certificates, provide the secret name under: upstream.ingress.tls.secretName.

  4. Alternatively, configure an L4 Load Balancer:

          backend: 443
        type: LoadBalancer
        externalTrafficPolicy: Local

    This example creates a back-end, service-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer. One can always provide a load balancer IP if using an existing Load Balancer.

  5. Enable Backstage with SSL. By default, the application is configured to be exposed over HTTP. For passthrough, however, it requires SSL. The following configuration shows how to enable HTTPS for Backstage by providing the key and certificate in pem formats. If you skip the certificate section, Developer Hub will generate self-signed certificates.

    Using custom certificates:

                key: <BACKSTAGE_SSL_KEY> # key in pem format 
                cert: <BACKSTAGE_SSL_CERT> # cert in pem format 

    Using self-signed certificates (also set environment variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0):

            https: true

Install the Helm chart

Finally, use the following Helm command to install RHDH:

helm repo add openshift-helm-charts

helm install rhdh \
    openshift-helm-charts/redhat-developer-hub \
    --namespace rhdh-gke \
    --values iteration-1/values-sample.yaml

Notes on configuration files: Refer to the provided sample values-sample-ingress.yaml file for guidance.

After completing these steps, you’ll have RHDH up and running with PostgreSQL and ingress/Layer 4 LB enabled on your GKE cluster. In the next lesson, we will demonstrate how to configure a GCS bucket for TechDocs.

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Overview: Install Red Hat Developer Hub with Helm on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
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Integrate Developer Hub with a Google Cloud Storage bucket using Workload Identity Federation